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Common parameters

Path parameters

draas_instancestringThe Fusion platform can be used by multiple service providers to offer an MS Teams Direct Routing offering. This instance allows to connect to the right Fusion instance. If you don't know what to use, please contact your Netaxis support contact

Query parameters


Body parameters


typestringCan either be distributoror resellerno
uuidstringUniversal unique id of the ownerno
namestringName the ownerno


markupfloatPrice markup to apply at the selected level (distributor, reseller, ...)no
startDatestringStart date of application of this markupno

Suspension Profile

idintegerIndex of the suspension profileno
namestringName of the suspension profileno
descriptionstringDescription of the suspension profileyes
barringProfileIdstringBarring profile ID of the suspension profileyes

License Type

Name of the license type.

Value in enumeration:

  • msteams,
  • sip-trunks.

Entitlement Type

idintegerIndex of the entitlement typeno
namestringName of the entitlement typeno
descriptionstringDescription optionally providing more informationno
externalReferencestringReference (e.g. SKU in a product catalog) under which this entitlement type is known in an external systemno
countryCodestringCountry code for which this entitlement is validno
numberTypestringNumber type for which this entitlement is validno
serviceCapabilitiesstringNot important in this context (can be ignored)no
vanityTypestringVanity numbers are numbers that have a very nice/special format (e.g. end with 0000). Sometimes additional charges are accounted for


idintegerInternal index of the entryno
countryCodestringName of the entitlement typeno
rangeStartintegerStart of the rangeno
rangeEndintegerEnd of the rangeno
regionintegerGeographical region to which this number range is assigned (only relevant for certain numberTypes)yes
numberTypestringNumber type of the numbers in this rangeno
nbAvailableintegerAmount of numbers still available for assignment in this rangeno
nbTotalintegerTotal amount of numbers in this rangeno
createdOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was added in the backendno
updatedOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was last updated in the backendno

Country code

idintegerInternal index of the entryno
codestringCountry code as known in e.164 phone number formattingno
namestringCountry nameno
createdOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was added in the backendno
updatedOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was last updated in the backendno

Country ISO code

isoCodestringCountry code in ISO 3166 alpha-2 formatno
namestringCountry nameno

Geographical region

idintegerInternal index of the entryno
namestringCountry nameno
createdOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was added in the backendno
updatedOnDateTimeTimestamp when this entry was last updated in the backendno

Postal code

idintegerInternal index of the entryno
codestringPostal codeno
citystringCity associated to the postal codeno
statestringState where the city is locatedno
regionobjectRegion where the city is located, an object including database index and nameyes
countryobjectCountry where the city is located, an object including database index, name and ISO codeyes
Emergency Location
idintegerIndex of the emergency locationno
namestringName of the emergency locationno

Error handling

All errors returned by the platform have a specific code that is unique to the platform. Error codes are grouped as follows:

  • 1xxx: defines an error while retrieving a resource
  • 2xxx: defines an error while creating a resource
  • 3xxx: defines an error while updating a resource
  • 4xxx: defines an error while deleting a resource
  • 9xxx: defines generic errors
  • gamma1xxx: are same as 1xxx but specific for Gamma errors
  • gamma2xxx: are same as 2xxx but specific for Gamma errors
  • gamma3xxx: are same as 3xxx but specific for Gamma errors
  • gamma4xxx: are same as 4xxx but specific for Gamma errors
  • gamma9xxx: are same as 9xxx but specific for Gamma errors

HTTP Error codes

Response body

codeintegerError code (see below for a complete error list)no
reasonstringMessage providing more context to the error that occurredno


  "error": {
    "code": 2001,
    "reason": "An error occurred while creating the distributor"

Error list

1001An error occurred while retrieving the list of distributors
1002An error occurred while retrieving a distributor
1003An error occurred while retrieving a list of resellers
1004An error occurred while retrieving a reseller
1005An error occurred while retrieving a list of tenants
1006An error occurred while retrieving a tenant
1007An error occurred while retrieving the list of suspension profiles
1008An error occurred while retrieving the list of subscriptions
1009An error occurred while retrieving the list of license types
1010An error occurred while retrieving the list of licenses
1011An error occurred while counting the teams users
1012An error occurred while retrieving entitlements
1013An error occurred while retrieving entitlement types
1014The requested object does not exist
1015An error occurred while reading the list of MS Teams users
1016An error occurred while reading the list of Fusion users
1017This MS Teams user doesn't exist for this tenant
1018An error occurred while reading porting requests list for this tenant
1019You do not own this porting request
1020An error occurred while reading the porting transaction
1021An error occurred while reading the porting request
1022An error occurred while retrieving documents for this porting request
1023An error occurred while retrieving the list of operators allowed to issue porting requests
1024An error occurred while retrieving routing info from local SRE
1025An error occurred while retrieving destinations info from local SRE
1026An error occurred while retrieving locations
1027An error occurred while retrieving the list of postal codes
1028An error occurred while retrieving the list of geo regions
1029An error occurred while retrieving the list of emergency locations
1030An error occurred while reading the list of MS Teams resource accounts
1031An error occurred while reading the list of Fusion resource accounts
1032An error occurred while reading the resource account types
1033An error occurred while retrieving the civic addresses for Operator Connect
1034An error occurred while reading the list of free numbers for this Operator Connect link
1035The string you are searching for doesn't seem to match a valid international phone number
1036An error occurred while reading the list of destinations for rate plan assignment
1037An error occurred while reading the list of prices for a specific destination of rate plan
1038An error has occurred while reading available items for product definition
1039An error occurred while reading the list of products
1040An error occurred while reading the order request
1041An error occurred while reading the order requests list
1042An error occurred while reading the access trunks list
1043An error occurred while reading the list of prices for the specified rate plan
1044Please provide a level for which you want to find potential owners
1045An error occurred while reading a configuration key
1046An error has occurred while retrieving the list of subsites for Anywhere 365
1047License assign error
1048Create MS User error
1049Delete MS User error
1050An error occurred while retrieving this agent or supervisor
1051An error occurred while retrieving the agents and supervisors list
1052An error occurred while retrieving the list of free MS Teams users for agent or supervisor enrollment
1053An error occurred while retrieving the list of skills for this subsite
1054An error occurred while reading the voice routing policies
1055An error occurred while reading the MS Teams groups
1056An error occurred while reading the business hours
1057An error occurred while reading the User's sip address
1058The Group does not exist exist
1059You already have onboarded this subscription to a MS Teams tenant
1060An error occurred while reading the list of phone usages
1061An error occurred while reading the list of product usages
1062An error has occurred while reading the list of available templates
1063The selected template ID does not exist
1064An error occurred while reading the pstn usages
1065An error occurred while reading the voice routes
2000An error occurred while creating the price markup - Transaction rolled back
2001An error occurred while creating the distributor
2002An error occurred while creating the reseller
2003An error occurred while creating the tenant
2004An error occurred while creating the subscription
2005An error occurred while creating the license
2006The license can't be created because this license type doesn't exist
2007The license can't be created because the subscription does not exist
2008An error occurred while processing the number inventory management request - Transaction rolled back
2009An error occurred while creating the entitlement
2010An admin with this username already exists in the system
2011An error occurred while creating the administrator (already exists) - Transaction rolled back
2012An error occurred while preparing MS Tenant for provisioning
2013It seems application rights have not been propagated yet through your Azure AD, please retry later
2014An error occurred while creating the new sub-domain on MS Teams
2015You do not have enough Office 365 E1, E3 or E5 license to complete setup. Please add one and retry
2016An error occurred while validating new sub-domain by using an E5 license
2017An error occurred while adding service DNS entries
2018An error occurred while adding an SBC to your domain
2019Wrong level for an admin
2020An error occurred while creating the MS Teams administrator
2021An error occurred while creating the porting request
2022An error occurred while adding an attachment to the porting request
2023An error occurred while creating a new location for this subscription
2024An error occurred while creating the trunk group
2025A trunk group with the same name already exists
2026An error has occurred while adding numbers to your SIP trunk
2027You have not subscribed yet to the list of numbers you want to add to your SIP trunk
2028An error occurred while checking the prerequisites for the resource account
2029You do not own the phone number you want to add to the resource account
2030The phone number you want to add to the resource account is already linked to another resource
2031An error occurred while creating the resource account
2032An error occurred while onboarding the tenant to Operator Connect
2033You have no valid consent to Operator Connect for provided data
2034You already have onboarded to Operator Connect
2035The code for confirming Operator Connect onboarding doesn't seem to be right
2036You do not own the numbers you want to link to Operator Connect
2037You do not own enough licenses to link these numbers
2038An error occurred while activating your numbers in Operator Connect - Operation rolled back
2039Some of the numbers you are trying to link to Operator Connect are already linked to other resources
2040Your tenant seems to lack some pre-requisites to link these numbers, please check if onboarding is OK
2041You have no license left to link a phone number to this resource account
2042An error has occurred while adding a price to this rate plan
2043The rate plan you have specified does not exist
2044Start date for a price must be set in the future
2045The numbers or ranges you have provided are not valid
2046A distributor with this external ID already exists
2047A reseller with this external ID already exists
2048A tenant with this external ID already exists
2049The list of items used to define the product contains not valid entries
2050An error has occurred while creating the product
2051A product with this SKU already exists
2052You cannot put a value higher than the amount of trunking channels
2053This combination tenant / subscription is not known by our system
2054One or some of the requested products from your ordering request is disabled or doesn't exist in our system
2055An error occurred while executing your ordering request
2056User credentials have to be provided when authorisation is required
2057Primary or secondary peer IP address is mandatory when no authorization is required
2058An error occurred while creating the access trunk
2059This MS Teams Tenant is already existing in our system
2060A distributor has to be linked to a group, please specify one
2061An error occurred while creating the group
2062An error occurred while inserting a configuration key
2063An error occurred while onboarding you Anywhere 365 site
2064An error occurred while enrolling this user to this Anywhere 365 subsite
2065This user is already assigned to this Anywhere 365 subsite with this role
2066Create MS User error
2067An error occurred while creating a business hour
2068An error occurred while initiating the MS Graph gateway for this tenant
2069You must provide the MS Teams tenant ID as we cannot find it back from our records
2070The provided MS Teams already has a MS Graph integration. Please consider to link to this tenant if you want to modify this
2071The subscription you want to link to doesn't exist
2072You are not a direct owner or a group admin of the tenant you are trying to link to
2073The tenant you are trying to link to doesn't have a MS Teams link yet
2074The Voice Routing Policy for this template does not exist
2075One or more MS Groups for this template does not exist
2076One or more MS license does not exist for this template
2077A template with the same SKU already exists for this subscription
2078An error occurred while creating the template
2079An error occurred while creating the pstn usage
2080An error occurred while creating the voice route
2081An error occurred while creating the voice routing policy
2082An error occurred while creating the Anywhere 365 filter
2083This pstn usage already exists
2084This voice route already exists
2085This voice routing policy already exists
2086This Anywhere 365 filter already exists for your subscription
2087An error occurred while sending the welcome email
2088An error occurred while reading rate plans
2089The query params parent and type are required
2090An error occurred while updating voice routing configurations
2091Not unique billingId in the Group
2092You don't have enough licenses left
3000An error occurred while modifying the price markup
3001An error occurred while modifying the distributor
3002An error occurred while modifying the reseller
3003An error occurred while modifying the tenant
3004An error occurred while modifying the suspension status
3005An error occurred while modifying the subscription
3006An error occurred while modifying the license
3007An error occurred while modifying the entitlement
3008NIMS error while assigning numbers
3009An error has occurred while activating voice settings for this MS Teams user
3010The number you've requested to activate voice service for this MS Teams user is already in use by another one
3011You do not have enough Fusion licenses to onboard this MS Teams user
3012This MS Teams user is not Voice Enabled. Please check assigned licenses in MS Office 365
3013The number you've requested to activate voice service for this MS Teams user does not exist in our system
3014An error has occurred while removing voice settings for this MS Teams user
3015An error has occurred while de-assigning existing phone number for this MS Teams user
3016An error occurred while trying to cancel the porting request
3017An error occurred while trying to activate the porting request
3018The porting request has been cancelled but there were some errors while cleaning the Fusion database
3019The porting request has been activated but there were some errors while updating the Fusion database
3020You can't reduce this license at this level because it is still in use
3021An error occurred while modifying the location
3022An error occurred while modifying the SIP trunk
3023The new name you have specified for this SIP trunk already exists
3024This porting request cannot be activated anymore
3025This porting request cannot be cancelled anymore
3026The country code of the phone number doesn't match the country code of the user
3027An error occurred while resetting the application credentials for MS Graph integration
3028An error has occurred while modifying the product
3029An error has occurred while modifying the access trunk
3030The number you are trying to use is not assigned to Operator Connect
3031The number you are trying to use is already assigned to another user
3032An error occurred while trying to link the phone number to the user
3033An error occurred while modifying the group
3034An error occurred while modifying a configuration key
3035An error occurred while modifying the trunk group
3036An error has occurred while trying to modify an agent or supervisor for this Anywhere 365 subsite
3037License assign error
3038The skills could be partially assigned to the agent: some are not supported in the new subsite
3039An error occurred while modifying the business hour
3040An error occurred while modifying the pstn usage
3041An error occurred while modifying the voice route
3042An error occurred while modifying the voice routing policy
3043The requested template template to apply to the user could not be found
3044You are trying to apply a non-voice enabled template to a voice enabled user
3045Your template tries to change location of a user that is already voice enabled in another country
3046An error has occurred while assigning the country to the user
3047An error has occurred while assigning the licenses to the user. Please check if you still have some available for assignment and retry
3048An error has occurred while assigning the voice routing policy to the user. Please wait a minute and try to apply the template again
3049An error has occurred while changing groups of the user. Please check that new groups from template still exist in your MS tenant
3050A conflict occurred during the assignment of the licenses. Please check the combination and retry
3051An error occurred while disabling password expiration from dummy user
3052Not unique billingId in the Group
4000An error occurred while deleting price markups
4001An error occurred while deleting a distributor
4002An error occurred while deleting a reseller
4003An error occurred while deleting a tenant
4004An error occurred while deleting a subscription
4005An error occurred while deleting a license
4006An error occurred while deleting the entitlement
4007The requested object doesn't exist
4008An error occurred while unlinking Direct Routing data in MS Teams
4009An error occurred while unlinking dummy O365 user
4010An error occurred while unlinking DNS entries
4011An error occurred while unlinking MS O365 domain
4012An error occurred while unlinking MS Azure AD application for Graph usage
4013You cannot unlink this MS Teams tenant as it still has active users
4014An error occurred while removing this attachment from the porting request
4015An error occurred while deleting the location
4016An error occurred while deleting the SIP trunk
4017An error has occurred while removing numbers from your SIP trunk
4018An error has occurred while removing the resource account
4019An error has occurred while removing the link to Operator Connect
4020There are still numbers linked to Operator Connect for this tenant. Please remove all numbers before retrying
4021You do not own all numbers in the list you are trying to remove from Operator Connect
4022Some of the number you want to remove from Operator Connect are still linked to users
4023An error has occurred while trying to deassign numbers for this subscription
4024An error occurred while trying to delete a price
4025Yon are not allowed to delete a price that has a start date in the past
4026You are trying to access or modify resources you don't control
4027You cannot delete a trunkgroup that still has numbers connected to it
4028An error occurred while trying to delete the access trunk
4029Some of the numbers you try to add are not available
4030The provided pilot is not connected to this trunk
4031An error occurred while deleting a group
4032An error occurred while unlinking your Anywhere 365 site
4033An error has occurred while trying to remove these agents from this Anywhere 365 subsite
4034Delete MS User error
4035An error occurred while deleting the business hour
4036An error occurred while deleting the template
4037Cannot delete default template
4038Cannot delete the pstn usage due to connections to voice routing or voice routing policies
4039An error occurred while deleting the Anywhere 365 filter
4040You cannot delete a reseller that still has tenants connected to it
4041You cannot delete a tenant that still has subscriptions connected to it
9000UUID lookup error
9001An error has occurred while checking the owner for this record
9002You don't have the appropriate rights to perform this action
9003NIMS ID lookup error
9004You have no license to start MS Tenant onboarding
9005There seems to be some data inconsistency on your request, please contact an administrator before retrying
9006This MS Teams tenant does not exist yet
9007This MS Teams tenant is not fully onboarded yet
9008Your Azure AD integration seems incomplete or broken. Please check it before trying again
9009An error has occurred while reading data for performing this request
9010This MS Teams tenant doesn't seem to wait for a valid registration code
9011This MS Teams tenant is not onboarded to Operator Connect
9012The group you have specified does not exist
9013As a system admin, you can't perform this action without giving a direct or indirect relation to one of the existing groups
9014Anywhere 365 feature is not enabled for this group
9015The Anywhere 365 main site does not exist