Manages audit logs on the platform.
Get the list of audits
List all audits based on provided filters.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group, distributor, reseller or tenant |
sub_id | integer | Index of a subscription for which you want to get the MS Teams groups |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
page_size | integer | Used for pagination, determines the maximum number of records on one page of results (defaults to 10) | no |
next | string | A token used to get the next records in the list. This token is taken back from the results of the previous call | no |
type | string | The kind of event, could be create , update or delete . Will retrieve only audits of this kind | no |
owner | string | The username of the owner of the audit. This will retrieve only the audits that matches that owner | no |
date_from | string | Start date of range where the audits have been performed | no |
date_to | string | End date of range where the audits have been performed | no |
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | One or more audits found |
400 | Error while processing the request |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
results | integer | Total number of results from the query | no |
pages | integer | Total number of pages according to pagination settings | no |
page | integer | Current displayed page from the set of pages | no |
next | string | A token used for infinite scrolling, to be used in the next call to retrieve subsequent records. Only present if the list of customer's licenses has to be continued | yes |
logs | array | List containing the retrieved Audit objects for the requesting user | no |
Audit Object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
id | integer | ID of the audit in database | no |
event | string | The event that has been performed | no |
status | string | Status of the audit. Could be SUCCESS , ERROR , ONGOING | no |
username | string | The username of the owner of the audit (who performed the action) | no |
created_on | string | The date time representation when the audit has been created | no |
updated_on | string | The date time representation when the audit has been last updated | no |
"logs": [
"id": 489378,
"event": "create_subscription_post_order",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"username": "admin1",
"created_on": "2024-08-23T14:02:14.150213Z",
"updated_on": "2024-08-23T14:02:14.150213Z"
"id": 489370,
"event": "create_group_product",
"status": "ERROR",
"username": "admin1",
"created_on": "2024-08-23T14:01:57.873551Z",
"updated_on": "2024-08-23T14:01:57.873551Z"
"next": "cGFnZV9zaXplPTEmcGFnZT0y",
"page": 1,
"pages": 2,
"results": 1
Get the details of an audit
Returns the audit's details.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group, distributor, reseller or tenant |
sub_id | integer | Index of a subscription for which you want to get the MS Teams groups |
audit_id | integer | ID of the customer's license in database as returned by this API |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | Details of the customer license |
404 | Customer license not found |
400 | Error while processing the request |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
id | integer | ID of the audit in database | no |
event | string | The event that has been performed | no |
status | string | Status of the audit. Could be SUCCESS , ERROR , ONGOING | no |
username | string | The username of the owner of the audit (who performed the action) | no |
created_on | string | The date time representation when the audit has been created | no |
updated_on | string | The date time representation when the audit has been last updated | no |
api_level | string | The level of the API behind the event. Could be Group , Distributor , Reseller , Tenant , Subscription | no |
user_level | string | The level of the user owner of the event. Could be Group , Distributor , Reseller , Tenant , Subscription | no |
type | string | A friendly version of the type of event (Create , Update , Delete ) | no |
ids | object | An ID object representing all the IDs involved in the event | no |
request_method | string | The actual request method of the API call | no |
request_url | string | The actual url of the API call | no |
Audit ID Object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
group_uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group | yes |
distributor_uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group | yes |
reseller_uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group | yes |
tenant_uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the group | yes |
subscription_id | number | Index of a subscription | yes |
<other_ids> | string | Any other relevant ID relative to the url | yes |
"id": 489378,
"event": "create_subscription_post_order",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"username": "",
"created_on": "2024-08-23T14:02:14.150213Z",
"updated_on": "2024-08-23T14:02:14.150213Z",
"api_level": "Subscription",
"user_level": "Group",
"type": "Create",
"ids": {
"subscription_id": "143",
"tenant_uuid": "b73c9d64-1662-4d93-b656-956e699768e3"
"request_method": "post",
"request_url": "/api/v01/draas/draas_fusion_dev/tenants/b73c9d64-1662-4d93-b656-956e699768e3/subscriptions/143/orders"