Numbers: Gamma Integration
The integration with Gamma changes the behaviour of the number ordering process. In this case, the number will be retrieved from the Gamma APIs instead of the NIMS. Please refer to the Gamma API documentation for further details.
Currently the integration with Gamma works only for UK numbers.
The below endpoints requires a basic configuration to work properly. Before use them, please make sure that the correct information are available in the Gamma configurations:
Below there are the currently supported endpoints.
Retrieve Service Info
This endpoint allows to retrieve useful information about the Gamma service we are using and the DDIs assigned to it.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The service info are ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
numbers | object | Numbers object as defined by this structure found for the service | no |
service_info | object | Service info object as defined by this structure found for the service | no |
Numbers Object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
total | integer | The amount of numbers assigned to the service | no |
numbers | array | A list of all the numbers assigned to the service | no |
Service info Object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
endpoint | string | The endpoint holding the numbers, it's useful for subsequent API calls | no |
token | string | Token needed to process all requests for the service | no |
"numbers": {
"numbers": [
"total": 6
"service_info": {
"endpoint": "DC2N13LAK02328_A2",
"token": "266F255245C927FD2FE31B7D1B6F7F900EEC2977"
Retrieve available area codes
This endpoint allows to retrieve all supported area codes for the UK area.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The list of area codes is ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
areaCodes | object | All area codes are listed as a key-value pair | no |
"areaCodes": {
"113": "Leeds",
"114": "Sheffield",
"115": "Nottingham",
"116": "Leicester",
"1854": "Ullapool",
"1856": "Orkney",
"2896": "Belfast",
"2897": "Saintfield",
"29": "Cardiff"
Retrieve Customer's Letter of Authority
This endpoint allows to retrieve customer's letter of authority LoA.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The list of area codes is ready |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
loa | string | The url of the customer's LoA | no |
"loa": ""
Retrieve available Loosing Communication Providers
This endpoint allows to retrieve all supported Loosing Communication Providers of Gamma.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The list of LCPs is ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
lcps | array | List of Loosing Communication Providers object as defined by LCP | no |
"lcps": [
"value": "Barritel Limited"
"key": "BT_OPENREACH",
"value": "BT Openreach"
"key": "COLT",
"value": "Colt"
"value": "VoIP-Un Limited"
"key": "VOXBONE_SA",
"value": "Voxbone SA"
Check range by area codes
This endpoint allows to check if a generic range is available in the specified area code. Once a range is checked, it will be reserved on Gamma side for a limited period of time, then it will be available again.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
areaCode | string | The area code to check the availability of ranges | no |
consecutive | boolean | Allows to specify if the range needs to be of consecutive numbers or not | no |
quantity | integer | The amount of needed numbers | no |
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The response is ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
available | boolean | True if there are some available ranges, false otherwise | no |
"available": true
Check portability of a number
This endpoint allows to check if a number can be ported and which is its range holder.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
ddi | string | The number you want to check for portability |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The portability response is ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
ddi | string | The number you have checked for portability | no |
rangeHolder | string | The loosing communication provider that holds the number | no |
"ddi": "02030484380",
"rangeHolder": "COLT"
Check portability dates
This endpoint allows to retrieve available dates of when the number can be ported.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
ddi | string | The number you want to check the portability dates | yes |
lcp | string | The loosing communication provider that holds the number | yes |
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | There are some dates available |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
dates | array | A list of dates in which the number can be ported | no |
"dates": [
Make an order of new numbers
Use this endpoint to order new numbers on the Gamma platform.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
areaCode | string | The area code to place the order in | yes |
consecutive | boolean | Allows to specify if the range needs to be of consecutive numbers or not | yes |
quantity | integer | The amount of needed numbers | yes |
"areaCode": "1235",
"consecutive": true,
"quantity": 2
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The new order was created successfully |
400 | Error while creating the new order |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
order_id | string | An unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order | no |
status | string | The status of the order transaction. Could be in_progress , order_confirmed or order_error | no |
"order_id": "838ADE1DE4EED602C48C9FC2945724D4BBDCC870",
"status": "order_confirmed"
Make a port order of numbers from another service provider
Use this endpoint to start the porting procedure of numbers from a service provider to the Gamma platform.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
main_number | object | A number object representing the main number of the port | yes |
line_type | string | The type of porting, possible values single or multi | yes |
lcp | string | The loosing communication provider you are porting from | yes |
customer | object | The customer details as defined by this structure | yes |
address | object | The address details as defined by this structure | yes |
port_date | object | A date object representing the preferred date/time of the port | yes |
other_numbers | array | An array of number objects for additional numbers to port | no |
associated_numbers | array | An array of number objects for associated numbers to port | no |
all_numbers | array | An array of number objects for all numbers to port | no |
single_ddis | array | An array of number objects for single numbers to port | no |
ddi_ranges | array | An array of range objects for range of numbers to port | no |
"main_number": {
"prefix": "02030",
"number": "484354"
"other_numbers": [
"prefix": "02030",
"number": "484351"
"ddi_ranges": [
"start_prefix": "02030",
"start_number": "123400",
"end_prefix": "02030",
"end_number": "123405"
"associated_numbers": [
"prefix": "02030",
"number": "484380"
"lcp": "COLT",
"line_type": "multi",
"customer": {
"first_name": "Phoebe",
"last_name": "Simpson",
"email_address": "",
"company_name": "Hunter Ltd",
"contact_number": "+442170444918"
"address": {
"street": "Flat 83 Jane Views",
"town": "Parkerfort",
"postcode": "KT22 7UE"
"port_date": {
"port_date": "2024-06-17",
"port_date_type": "standard"
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The port order was created successfully |
400 | Error while creating the port order |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
order_id | string | An unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order | no |
status | string | The status of the order transaction. Could be in_progress , order_confirmed or order_error | no |
"order_id": "650168",
"status": "in_progress"
Retrieve all orders
This endpoint allows to retrieve all orders placed for the current Gamma service.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
URL/Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? |
type | string | Allows to filters orders based on type, either new or port | yes |
refresh | boolean | Allows to force the synchronization of all in_progress orders | no |
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The list of orders is ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
orders | array | A list of order objects as defined by new order structure or port order structure | no |
Example of new
"orders": [
"area_code": 113,
"consecutive": true,
"date": "2024-02-19T16:20:33",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "9A157D93DD649D91C791737A7412828CC603C598",
"progress": 100,
"quantity": 3,
"status": "order_confirmed"
"area_code": 204,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2024-02-20T09:40:30",
"numbers": [],
"order_id": "90FAC03C74704C73FE225FE55B4846CC5A37F110",
"progress": 0,
"quantity": 2,
"status": "in_progress"
"area_code": 1237,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2023-02-07T15:32:33",
"numbers": [],
"order_id": "838ADE1DE4EED602C48C9FC2945724D4BBDCC870",
"progress": 22.2,
"quantity": 2,
"status": "order_error"
Example of port
"orders": [
"area_code": 2030,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2024-05-31T00:00:00",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "650168",
"progress": 0,
"quantity": 3,
"status": "in_progress",
"area_code": 2030,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2024-06-17T00:00:00",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "651251",
"progress": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"status": "order_error",
"sub_status": "ORDER_CANCELLED"
"area_code": 2030,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2024-06-17T00:00:00",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "651286",
"progress": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"status": "order_confirmed",
"sub_status": "COMPLETE"
"area_code": 2030,
"consecutive": false,
"date": "2024-06-17T00:00:00",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "651266",
"progress": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"status": "order_confirmed",
"sub_status": "COMPLETE"
Retrieve a single new order
This endpoint allows to retrieve the details of a specific new order for the current Gamma service.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
order_id | integer | The unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The details of the order are ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
An object as defined by this structure
"area_code": 113,
"consecutive": true,
"date": "2024-02-19T16:20:33",
"numbers": [
"order_id": "9A157D93DD649D91C791737A7412828CC603C598",
"quantity": 3,
"status": "order_confirmed"
Retrieve a single port order
This endpoint allows to retrieve the details of a specific port order for the current Gamma service.
Required role
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
draas_instance | string | See common parameters |
uuid | string | A system generated unique ID (UUID) identifying the tenant to which the subscription belongs |
sub_id | integer | Index of the subscription for which you want to list the locations |
order_id | integer | The unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order |
URL/Query parameters
Status codes
Parameter | Description |
200 | The details of the order are ready |
400 | Error while processing the request |
403 | The API consumer doesn't have sufficient rights to perform this action |
500 | Uncatched error on server side |
An object as defined by this structure
"account": {
"billingAccountId": 2106,
"contactNumber": "+442170444911",
"firstName": "Netaxis",
"primaryEmail": "",
"secondName": "User",
"secondaryEmail": null
"area_code": 2030,
"consecutive": false,
"customer": {
"companyName": "Hunter Ltd",
"contactNumber": "+442030484354",
"emailAddress": "",
"firstName": "Phoebe",
"jobTitle": null,
"providerAccountNumber": null,
"secondName": "Simpson"
"date": "2024-06-17T00:00:00",
"history": [
"itemMessage": "Port complete",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:51:18.373"
"itemMessage": "Porting Register Awaiting auto completion",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:50:52.483"
"itemMessage": "Contacts added to Numbers",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:50:45.877"
"itemMessage": "Porting Register updated",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:50:38.22"
"itemMessage": "Order marked as port passed to LCP/RH from realtime route or call.",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:50:38.207"
"itemMessage": "Order marked as Pre Port Test Call Complete",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 08:50:38.19"
"itemMessage": "RSM Provisioning Request Sent. Please check SIP Service history for outcome",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 00:02:21.46"
"itemMessage": "RSM Provisioning Request Sent. Please check SIP Service history for outcome",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 00:02:20.617"
"itemMessage": "Request has been sent for RSM Provisioning",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 00:02:19.537"
"itemMessage": "Request has been sent for RSM Provisioning",
"itemTime": "2024-06-21 00:02:19.413"
"itemMessage": "Provisioning successful for CSCF request id: 1463099",
"itemTime": "2024-06-20 15:39:58.46"
"itemMessage": "ACQ request tracker 1153264 with message Number is added to Number DB and CSCF[1463099]",
"itemTime": "2024-06-20 15:39:19.317"
"itemMessage": "ACQ request tracker 1153264 has been submitted to the ACQ system for processing",
"itemTime": "2024-06-20 15:37:07.557"
"itemMessage": "Porting Register updated. ACQ request submitted to Number DB and CSCF",
"itemTime": "2024-06-20 15:36:06.973"
"itemMessage": "Request accepted by donor",
"itemTime": "2024-06-20 15:30:05.73"
"itemMessage": "Provide requested to LCP - order email notification outcome: Success",
"itemTime": "2024-06-10 15:31:22.137"
"itemMessage": "Port Requested to LCP via NPOR email",
"itemTime": "2024-06-10 15:31:11.493"
"itemMessage": "Request approved by Gamma Telecom",
"itemTime": "2024-06-10 15:31:11.48"
"itemMessage": "Request completed",
"itemTime": "2024-06-10 15:30:37.783"
"itemMessage": "Request submitted to Gamma Telecom",
"itemTime": "2024-06-10 15:30:37.783"
"numbers": [
"order_id": "651286",
"progress": 100,
"quantity": 1,
"status": "order_confirmed",
"sub_status": "COMPLETE"
Gamma new order object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
order_id | string | An unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order | no |
date | string | The date when the order has been placed | no |
quantity | integer | The amount of ordered numbers | no |
status | string | The status of the order transaction. Could be in_progress , order_confirmed or order_error | no |
consecutive | boolean | True if the order is for consecutive numbers, false otherwise | no |
area_code | integer | The area code of the order | no |
progress | integer | The amount of completion of the order process | no |
numbers | array | The list of ordered numbers. It could be empty until the completion of the order process | no |
Gamma port order object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
order_id | string | An unique id provided by Gamma to identify the order | no |
date | string | The date when the order has been placed | no |
quantity | integer | The amount of ordered numbers | no |
status | string | The status of the order transaction. Could be in_progress , order_confirmed or order_error | no |
sub_status | string | It's a Gamma specific event that represent the step in which the porting order is in | no |
consecutive | boolean | True if the order is for consecutive numbers, false otherwise | no |
area_code | integer | The area code of the order | no |
progress | integer | The amount of completion of the order process | no |
numbers | array | The list of ordered numbers. It could be empty until the completion of the order process | no |
account | object | The details of the account associated with the port order as defined by this structure | yes |
customer | object | The details of the customer associated with the port order as defined by this structure | yes |
history | array | The list of object defining the log of the porting process. Each log entry is defined by this structure | yes |
Gamma order account object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
billingAccountId | integer | An unique id provided by Gamma to identify the account (a.k.a. clientId ) | no |
contactNumber | string | The main number associated with the port order | no |
firstName | string | The first name of the operator that created the port order | no |
secondName | string | The surname of the operator that created the port order | no |
primaryEmail | string | The primary email of the operator that created the port order | no |
secondaryEmail | string | The secondary email of the operator that created the port order | no |
Gamma order customer object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
firstName | string | The first name of the customer associated with the port order | no |
secondName | string | The surname of the customer associated with the port order | no |
emailAddress | string | The email address of the customer associated with the port order | no |
contactNumber | string | The main contact phone number of the customer associated with the port order | no |
companyName | string | The company name of the customer associated with the port order | no |
jobTitle | string | The job title of the customer associated with the port order | no |
providerAccountNumber | string | The identifier of the customer associated with the port order | no |
Gamma order history object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
itemMessage | string | The message associated to the logged event | no |
itemTime | string | The date when the event happened | no |
Gamma LCP object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
key | string | The internal identifier of the loosing communication provider | no |
value | string | The friendly name of the loosing communication provider | no |
Gamma Customer object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
first_name | string | The first name of the customer associated with the port order | no |
last_name | string | The surname of the customer associated with the port order | no |
email_address | string | The email address of the customer associated with the port order | no |
contact_number | string | The main contact phone number of the customer associated with the port order | no |
company_name | string | The company name of the customer associated with the port order | no |
job_title | string | The job title of the customer associated with the port order | yes |
provider_account_number | string | The identifier of the customer associated with the port order | yes |
Gamma Address object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
old_postcode | string | The old address post code (eg. RG14 5BY) | yes |
locality | string | The current address locality (eg. Westminster) | yes |
street | string | The current address street (eg. Kings Road West) | no |
town | string | The current address town (eg. Newbury) | no |
county | string | The current address county (eg. Berkshire) | yes |
postcode | string | The current address post code (eg. RG14 5BY) | no |
premises | string | The current address premises (eg. Crown House) | yes |
Gamma Port Date object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
port_date | string | The preferred port date | no |
port_date_type | string | The type of porting. Could be standard , in_hours or out_hours | no |
time_slot | string | The preferred time slot | yes |
comment | string | Any useful comment, mainly used for port_date_type == "out_hors" | yes |
Gamma Number object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
prefix | string | The prefix of the number (usually the area code) | no |
number | string | The final part of the number | no |
Gamma Range object
Parameter | Type | Description | Conditional? |
start_prefix | string | The prefix of the starting number (usually the area code) | no |
start_number | string | The final part of the starting number | no |
end_prefix | string | The prefix of the ending number (usually the area code) | no |
end_number | string | The final part of the ending number | no |